diumenge, 8 de maig del 2016

Why Captain America: Civil War is better than Batman v Superman

Now that the two films have released (Batman Vs Superman and Captain America) we could know which is better. For now the reviews say that Captain America is better than Batman Vs Superman, Captain America with a punctuation of 91% and 50% Batman Vs Superman. But  was Captain America that much better than Batman v Superman? Let’s find out.

The action scenes are very important in a superhero movie. Without good action scenes the movie loses all and marvel and DC know it very well. Captain America managed that I didn't look away from the movie except in the chase scene. The chase sequences in Captain America are a little boring, however the airport scene was incredible. On the other hand, Batman vs Superman scenes are well done but we didn't understand why they fight. Advantage: Captain America

The plot was convoluted basically the same in the two films with things you didn't expect. The stories of both films are pretty similar: superheroes do battle, make some collateral damages because of the hazards of the job of saving the world. Advantage: a tie

Captain America's characters are more worked and all characters are logical (the good, the bad), but Batman Vs Superman characters are difficult to understand, go against logic and the villain is just crazy. Advantage: Captain America

In my opinion:

I agree with him because I saw the couples films and I prefer Captain America because the plot is so much better, with an unexpected end, well all the movie are surprises. The film makes you choose between two different thoughts and therefore two teams. It is a very difficult choice because both thoughts have good and bad parts. And the plot of Batman Vs Superman is the typical they fight among themselves, then they are become friends and win the bad guy.

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