dissabte, 7 de maig del 2016

My season in Vilafant

I have always played in Castello but this year I changed my basketball team, I was playing in Vilafant. Last weekend we lost the key game against SESE and with this loss we can't go to the finals. And now as I finish my season I want to explain this year in a different team. It was one of the best years because I met very good friends and could play at a high level.

In the beginning it was difficult for me to change my basketball way because in Castello I played against bad teams but this years players were stronger and good players. Also I could play against Tarragona, Cornellà and Caja Laboral.

The players who play in Vilafant are very friendly, they are very funny, I laugh a lot with them. Also they help me to improve and be a better player. So it was a big year with very amazing moments, with very good friends and I hope that the next years will be like this year.

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