dissabte, 7 de maig del 2016

Formal Letter

To... BarackObama@gmail.com
Subject: Human Rights

Dear Mr. President of USA Barack Obama,
We are writing to explain our opinion about human rights and show that many countries violate the Human Rights.

Human Rights are very important because they are the rights we have just because we are humans. If these countries violate the human rights it means that those countries treat us like we are not humans.
We think the best way to carry out the rights it is should be in the law. If the countries do not comply the law they would have to pay for it.

We also hope that you will give us your opinion about these topic and would like to know if USA is one of these countries.

We look forward to your reply.
Sincerely Barack Obama

Didac & Marc
22th Baker Street
602 222 222
E-mail: didac&marc@basketmail.nba.com

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