diumenge, 8 de maig del 2016

Is jealousy natural?

In my opinion, yes it is natural. It is instinctual emotion for an individual. I think that jealousy starts at childhood as a rivalry between two brothers. Since childhood we have always wanted to give us the same as our brother or sister and if they didn't give us the same thing we didn't like it. And that feeling of jealousy nobody has taught us.

The passage of years this feeling was increasing, it wasn't only with brothers also we began to be jealous of friends or anyone. For example: if a friend score more goals than us or got better marks or he was just talking to someone and we didn't.

Another proof that jealousy is natural is that animals also have them. If for example you're watching TV while you stroke your dog and suddenly you stop to pet him, he begins to give you his paw for you continue to stroking him.

To finish I conclude that the jealousy is natural but that doesn't mean it is neither good nor bad, it just means that everyone is jealous and this jealousy are natural. Some will have more jealousy and some less but everyone have it.

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