diumenge, 13 de març del 2016

Fossil reptile discovery 'something extraordinary'

The reptile lived near lakes and rivers, feeding on smaller reptiles

Brazil has discovered a fossil of a reptile oldest dinosaurs. The reptile, named Teyujagua or "fierce lizard", is the close relative of a group that gave rise to dinosaurs, crocodiles and birds. Scientists say that this fossil fill a gap in evolution. Co-investigator of the study published: "It's very close to the ancestry of a very important group of reptiles called archosauriformes," and "It helps us understand how that group evolved."

The skull of the reptile is exceptionally well preserved

Dr. Felipe Pinheiro said "The discovery of Teyujagua was really exciting". For scientists Teyujagua is different from other fossils from the same era. Its anatomy is somewhere between that of more primitive reptiles and the archosauriforms, which include all dinosaurs, along with modern day birds and crocodiles.

In my opinion:

If what scientists say is true, we can be in one of the most important discoveries in history.

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