diumenge, 10 de maig del 2015

Jared Leto Is The New Joker

Resultat d'imatges de joker jaredThis photo you can see the new Joker in the film Suicide Squad starred by Jared Leto. What do you think?  For me I hate this new Joker. For this reason:

Resultat d'imatges de caballero oscuro jokerç
When he had the Joker tattoos or been strong? never. Joker is a simple villan with his painted face. Also he never been strong, always he is known for his cunning and intelligence as the Joker starred by Heath Ledger or Jack Nicholson .

Although the actor was good (Jared Leto), I think that this new Joker will be the worst of the three for his bad style and also it is impossible to equal the others Joker.

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