divendres, 10 d’octubre del 2014



Hello I'm Marc Nunyez and I am in your class. Mainly, my hobbies 
are play basketball and other sports and I really enjoy the 
cinema. I play basketball in a team with Didac and Marti.

I've done batxillerato because is necessary to have a god job in the 
future or study in university. My subjects I've chosen are Technology, 
chemistry and Maths. I chose this subjects because I will study 
Technology in university.

When I finish the batxillerato I don't know what I will do.

Hello I'm Marc Nunyez and I am in your class. Mainly, my hobbies are
playing basketball and other sports and I really enjoy the
cinema. I play basketball in a team with Didac and Marti.

I've done batxillerato because it is necessary to have a god job in the 
future or study in university. The subjects I've chosen are Technology, 
chemistry and Maths. I chose this subjects because I will study 
Technology at university.

When I finish the batxillerato I don't know what I will do.

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