divendres, 12 de desembre del 2014

Fashion Quiz


42% Flamboyance, 40% Originality, 36% Deliberateness, 45% Sexiness
[Tasteful Conventional Random Prissy]
You don't pay too much attention to fashion and far be it from you to spend hours on designing outfits which could shock your friends. If you ever shock them it's by how little you care about the clothes you're wearing. The only thing you pay attention to is not to look ridiculous. You don't need to draw attention wherever you come but you definitely need to know you are not the object of jokes. You are happy to blend in. I'm sure this approach leaves you a lot of time and energy for more interesting things than fashion.
The opposite style from yours is Catwalk God(ess) [Flamboyant Original Deliberate Sexy].

Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

  • Flamboyance Distribution
    You scored 42% onFlamboyance, higher than 53% of your peers.
  • Originality Distribution
    You scored 40% onOriginality, higher than 15% of your peers.
  • Deliberateness Distribution
    You scored 36% onDeliberateness, higher than 6% of your peers.
  • Sexiness Distribution
    You scored 45% on Sexiness, higher than 32% of your peers.

In my opinion:

I agree because I don't care much this things

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