divendres, 28 de novembre del 2014

NBA has evidence of racist comments Donald Sterling

Donald Sterling was a owner of Clippers. After the match someone heard Donald when he said the racist comments.

Donald Sterling (file image)
A recording in a web, you can heard Donald Sterling asking a women do not bring a black people  at the games.

The NBA describe these phrases as "Disturbing and offensive". Later Donald Sterling reply "does not reflect his views"
Even Barack Obama made his statement to say that the comments are racist.

In recording is mentioned the legend of basketball Magic Johnson. The NBA were investigating and only they could observe that the information are offensive and disturbing.

Currently NBA can't assure that is the general opinion that has Donald Sterling.

In my opinion:

I think that these comments that he made are stupids because now there are few people to be racist but it is not the worst, the worst is that he did the comments in the NBA when there are so many blacks as whites.


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